SEPP’s Impact on 5G Network Performance and Reliability

One of the biggest security issues of 5G networks has to do with the underlying technology. Its architecture relies on HTTP/2 based signaling, a tech that most attackers know how to manipulate. As such, when we connect to these networks, we’re exposed to a large number of potential intruders who would like nothing more than to access our private data.

The issue is multiplied when we consider the fact that many people use 5G wireless to connect their IoT devices to the internet. Most of these devices don’t get the same love as our computers and phones. Mobile operations are specifically interested in protecting public land mobile networks (PLMN) traffic and signaling.

One of the potential solutions comes in the form of SEPP or Secure Edge Protection Proxy. With a proper SEPP solution, you can patch common vulnerabilities that are always present when connecting to a 5G mobile network. As the name implies, we use this tech to protect the 5G core network’s edges.

SEPP and 5G

SEPP is a relatively new technology. It is specifically designed to protect traffic between your home network and other external networks. The proxy is placed at the edge of PLMN, and its main purpose is to monitor the network’s roaming signaling traffic.

The best thing about SEPP is that it provides full, end-to-end confidentiality. We also rely on this protocol for replay protection and integrity, which is why it’s so important for the performance of all connected devices.

Common Challenges of 5G Networks

At this moment in time, deploying a 5G network is rather expensive. Although these networks leave a smaller carbon footprint compared to their 4G counterparts, there’s still not enough infrastructure. To make matters worse, you need more 5G transmitters to produce the same results as a 4G wireless network.

The good news is that government’s bodies are doing their best to enforce compliance. Providers need to implement the best security features, among others SEPP, to ensure the best-possible experience for users. Cost-cutting, which was a major problem for previous generation networks, is less noticeable with 5G.


Despite the fact 5G isn’t the newest technology, there’s a lot to be desired in terms of coverage. The speed of adoption is mostly affected by global supply chain, which leaves vulnerabilities hackers might exploit.

Perhaps the biggest issue comes in the form of reverse compatibility. Modern devices are still reliant of 3G and 4G networks, which no longer boast the same protection in the years prior. As such, lots of security holes could jeopardize users who are reliant on legacy tech.

Lacking Skills

As with any new technology, there is a small number of people versed in 5G networks. The lack of experts is relevant for just about anything and is especially noticeable when implementing security protocols. Most providers don’t know how to configure their system, opening numerous vulnerabilities and threats for their 5G wireless.

Complex Infrastructure

Given that 5G offers so much in terms of speed and data transfer, it is only to be expected that these networks are more complex than the previous iterations. They join millions and millions of interconnected devices over a large attack surface. As such, they provide numerous openings for attackers.

Because of that, providers must implement robust, real-time security measures. They need sophisticated AI-based software and authentication that will not only counter threats but predict them. Otherwise, a single compromised device might endanger the entire system and all users within it.

SEPP Benefits for 5G Networks

Security Edge Protection Proxy provides numerous advantages for your network. First and foremost, we rely on it for confidentiality protection, authentication, and integration when using interPLMN SBI traffic between cores of 5G networks.

However, it provides other advantages as well:

  • One of the biggest advantages of SEPP comes in the form of topology hiding. With it, you can conceal HTTP/2 messages on a level of application. It works like a charm for hiding identity info when exiting the local network. This makes it vital for any interaction with external networks.
  • Besides topology hiding, SEPP is invaluable for DDoS and DoS protection. The system ensures full congestion control coupled with load balancing.
  • Admission control is one of the essential features for safeguarding personal data. Security edge protection proxy allows users to perform full configuration of their network. They can introduce custom policies, filters, protocol compliance, allow/deny listings, message manipulation, and throttling.
  • Through message filters, you can scan all incoming traffic. This way, you can easily establish who has entered your network and from which location. That way, you can intercept threats before they have any chance of endangering your devices and data.
  • With the implementation of a robust firewall, subscribers and networks are safeguarded from privacy leads. The firewall feature is also vital for denial of service attacks.
  • Another great feature that comes with SEPP is overload protection. Users have the complete ability to optimize their 5G SA core networks. They can introduce sophisticated throttling and load balancing.
  • Transport layer security and IPSec are features that are essential for intra-realm protection. With them, you can introduce advanced device encryption between several touch points.

Using SEPP for 5G Networks

The great thing about SEPP is that it answers all the challenges of 5G networks. While the protection can’t do anything about the lacking infrastructure and a few similar issues, it does a great job of streamlining traffic. With it, you can encrypt messages, configure devices and networks, and ensure maximum protection against outside threats.

These systems are at the forefront of 5G innovation and, as such, providers shouldn’t overlook them. They patch numerous issues these networks face, ensuring that the customers have optimal experience when using interconnected devices.

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