5 Healthcare Technological Advances In 2018

As we welcome 2019, many industries are looking toward a bright future with new technological advances. Experts say that there is a 50 % chance that by 2045 AI will be better at doing everything humans do. That’s why following new technologies is not just important for healthcare provider development, it’s vital to planning your future.

We’ve made a list of medical technological advances in 2018 that should keep you on your toes. Is your profession the next one to go out the door? Or maybe your life is about to become much easier?

1. New AI Apps For Logistics

Even though AI seems to be in its infancy today, numerous tools have been created to simplify the work of healthcare providers. Programs that schedule doctors’ appointments based on the symptoms, do the paperwork, notify nurses on time if the health parameters go out of control, help with home care, and much more.

Numerous apps have been created in 2018 to assist with the above tasks. For example:

  •         Cerebro – a responsive healthcare labor marketplace, which helps find nurses and request shifts. It’s essentially an agency, which allows finding staff quickly while taking a much smaller fee for the job than regular agencies.
  •         Kore.ai – a chatbot for a healthcare facility. It can connect patients to the right doctors, set up timely appointments, make corrections, change details, and speed up prescription refills and bill payment.

2. Blockchain For Data Sharing

While Bitcoin has been experiencing its ups in downs in 2018, Blockchain has been finding new applications in many industries, including healthcare. Blockchain can offer a decentralized record system to help doctors and patients have constant access to the required data.

Since the safety of data in blockchain is very high, the patients shouldn’t worry about stolen or lost data.

Today, critical patient information is often spread thinly over different electronic medical record systems. Sometimes, it’s hard to access. Usually, the access problems occur when the data is needed the most. Such a system causes substantial financial losses. Sometimes it may even cost lives.

3. Internet Of Medical Things

Today, IoT is helping us improve homes, workplaces, schools, and even cities. In 2018, it has made its way into the healthcare industry. The easiest example of the way IoMT works is wearable devices. They monitor the patient’s condition and send the information to the doctor, who with or without the assistance of AI makes a timely diagnosis.

IoMT has reduced the patient-doctor interaction, allowed remote monitoring, constant activity recording, and much more. According to experts from a dental clinic Bajars and Bajars in San Diego, this technology has simplified the studies of chronic diseases, reduced human error, and sped up making diagnoses.

4. Artificial Reproductive Organs

While artificial ovaries are not a reality for humans just yet, in 2018, Danish scientists have used advanced technologies to grow new ovarian tissue and transplant it into mice successfully. This advancement can change the quality of life of many women in just 3 or 4 years.

5. Virtual Reality

In 2018, virtual reality has become widely used for the healthcare sector. It can keep people calmer before the surgery, treat addictions, help with recovery, and much more.  VR is currently used for pain management during birth or some of the cancer treatments. Researchers believe that it could slow down the development of Alzheimer’s disease.


These advances are just the tip of the iceberg. Last year, the healthcare industry has made gigantic steps toward improving our lives.


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